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How to Prepare Your Trees for Summer

May 10, 2024

Whenever the weather gets warmer, it's important to head outside and take steps to prepare your property for the rest of the year. Taking care of your property includes handling trees on your property the right way. Making sure to do this ahead of summer will help ensure your trees thrive. Read on to learn about important tips for preparing the trees on your property for summer.

Get Your Trees Trimmed

While lushness is a sign of tree health, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. A tree that's too large will struggle more to absorb essential nutrients from the soil, which can negatively affect the tree's health. Tree trimming helps trees take more advantage of lower amounts of available nutrients.

Tree trimming can also result in higher sunlight exposure by removing branches that are obscuring leaves. According to Forbes, trees larger than 30 feet should only be trimmed by professionals. However, it's in your best interest to let experts handle all your tree trimming regardless of size. This guarantees the trees will be trimmed properly without allowing issues to emerge from insufficient tree trimming.

Get Problematic Trees Removed

Summer is the perfect season to spend time in your yard, but it can be dangerous or unpleasant if it has diseased, damaged, or dying trees. In addition to trimming the trees on your property, professional tree companies can also get rid of the ones that need to be removed. It's crucial to remove diseased trees because they can affect the health of other trees on your property by spreading their disease. A dying tree will continue decomposing until it falls, which can be a huge safety hazard. Damaged trees can also be dangerous if their limbs fall onto individuals, your house, or your car.

Preparing your trees properly gives them their best chance of emerging vibrantly and thriving throughout the year. Following these tips vigilantly positions your trees for seasonal shifts. Connect with knowledgeable tree companies if you need professional assistance trimming or removing your property's trees. With the right prep work, your trees will stay healthy year after year. Call Dillon Tree Service today to obtain an estimate for quality tree services. We look forward to hearing from you.

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